Why Everyone Knows The Price Of Everything But Nobody Knows The Value Of.Anything?
There is no perfect way to prevent bad or incompetent people from gaining power.
The problem is not the bad or the incompetent people. The problem is the public that causes the way in which bad guys become bosses.
Bad leaders always push for more power and plunder. They never give power up and stop public property theft willingly. They prolong their rule and brutalize democracy.
And since they get away with it, they slowly put more and more self-serving laws and terrible regulations in force on top of the existing ones. No laws can then stop them, and no pressing demands for change stop them from what they want to do. So they continue on this course and keep on growing more and protect their interests.
The higher they get, the less they feel, as we observe today. And the more power they gain, the more they think that people have become powerless and the more the situation remains unchallenged, the more they will come to believe that what they do is okay, as wild dogs that got unleashed.
Poor leaders can be prevented from gaining power or being elected only if people are prepared to express their choice to choose wisely in times of elections.
By embracing our own choice and the way we have grown from it, we change our mindsets, attitudes and the direction we take in life.
The executive branch of a government can easily dominate all other legal branches of any political system without a separation of powers and checks and balances. And this is exactly what we see in Somaliland.
The measure we use today to gauge our life is based on material achievements and not on what we have to overcome.
Somaliland politics and public debates have become more emotional than intellectual. Even the way people think these days is rather cynical than being sincere.
Watching what people lack, what they are cynical about and what the present situation requires, one could finally figure out that everybody knows the price of everything but nobody knows the value of anything. This amazingly means that people orient their behavior in accord of their own needs.
We are living in a country where everyone has become too arrogant to understand what his/her actions mean to other humans. A country where those who are governed encourage those who govern them to steal public treasure, a country where everyone hopes the death of all others.
The need for the impending hour is to develop the talents we have and to put them to good use. If we are content with who we are now, that is not the best antidote to making changes that are urgent.
Imagine the present scenarios. Here is the first one: The arrogance will betray itself by becoming more and more brazen, as everything seems to be allowed. The present team leader will attempt to suppress any resistance with self justified violence and regulations.
The second thing that can happen is not a resistance that starts with banners in the streets and ends in violence.
Best suggestion from all sensible people is wait-and-see attitude, for confrontation makes matters worse. The best choice is to let leading team go as they want to.
At some point this might become a new accepted reality. For people are suspicious about accepting changes that make no difference. Many revolutions turned to shitholes when the revolutionaries became as corrupt as the former regimes.
A little knowledge makes one arrogant. Leadership is like a commander of a ship at sea. He must have a sense to grasp, a route to sale along, and a destination to seek.
A hope is sometimes a human destiny. He who articulates Somaliland destination should have rung a wake-up call.
By : Jama Falaag