“Shut Down the Illegal Minerals Operation in Fiqi Ayoub”

During the 2017 presidential campaign in Somaliland, the people of Fiqi Ayoub and Ceel Baxay in Togdhare and Sahel regions, respectfully, and overwhelmingly voted for Muse Bihi Abdi, who was elected president.


Unfortunately, the President rewarded his ardent supporters by giving the green light to his Minister of Energy and Minerals, Mr. Jama Mohamoud Egal, to sell the natural resources in the area to an unscrupulous and greedy clique of foreign and domestic investors, who unlawfully formed secret shell companies for the sole purpose of immensely enriching themselves. They hired Chinese technical mercenaries to extract, on their behalf, minerals (jade) from the area without compensation to the people of Somaliland and the inhabitants of the area, who are the rightful owners of the land.


According to reliable sources, the Minister of Energy and Minerals, inexplicably and astoundingly, granted 92% ownership of the natural resources of the area to these shady and predatory operators. The government owns only the remaining 8%. This illegal and outrageous wholesale giveaway of the minerals of the country is beyond comprehension.

But how could Minister Jama and his minions pull off these unlawful actions and deceive the parliament, the house of elders, the national media, and the people at large and get away with it? Why is it that there is no fearless and tenacious media that is not afraid to hold the powerful accountable? The media said nothing about this and has done no investigation of any kind.


Since the Parliament recently rejected the Energy and Minerals laws, on what legal basis has the government permitted the stealing of minerals in Fiqi Ayoub district and beyond? Likewise, what laws would allow the Ministers of Defense and Energy & Minerals to conspire to station troops there to protect the interests of a den of villains against peaceful inhabitants of the area?


Somaliland is a tribal society; there are no national political parties, democratic pretensions notwithstanding. Instead there are, strictly speaking, only tribal parties that look after the perceived interests of their tribal constituents. The constitution is for all practical purposes a worthless document since neither the government nor the tribal parties pay any attention to it. Official regulations and laws aren’t worth the paper they are written on because they are neither respected nor enforced except against peaceful citizens who dare to complain about injustice perpetrated against their interests.


For instance, Waddani and Ucid officials have publicly said nothing about the fiasco in Fiqi Ayoub. Many of the perpetrators of the injustice and their victims belong to the same tribe, and so their reaction is, “a plague on both houses.”

Additionally, the national media has not made any attempt to educate the citizens and publicize the illegality and corruption in the Fiqi Ayoub operation.

It is beyond the realm of logic and reason to believe that the Bihi government would allow foreign and domestic looters to potentially rake in hundreds of millions of dollars, to cause enormous damage to the health of the inhabitants and their livestock, and to turn the pristine and beautiful mountains of the area into a wasteland.

So, what is in it for them? Well, rampant rumors have it that some ministers and others in and outside the government might have concocted this scheme with the investors to share the 92% of the ownership of the minerals (jade). High ranking officials in the government are allegedly shareholders in the four companies that are now in the process of extracting the minerals. This is called a conflict of interest in countries where there are enforceable laws against government officials who engage in double dealing, self-enrichment, and corruption.


At any rate, during the negotiation between government representatives and local elders about the minerals project, the people welcomed Minister Jama, other ministers and dignitaries who visited Fiqi Ayoub several times. He promised that the government and the companies would provide Fiqi Ayoub, Ceel Baxay, etc., with development projects including education, medical and social services, electricity, wells for clean water and jobs for the people who lost their livestock in the recent severe drought and were looking for alternative ways of making a living.


However, Minister Jama reneged on all his commitments, which turned out to be deliberate, false and empty promises. And to add an insult to an injury, he told the locals pointedly that they should be grateful for the scores of coolie jobs that they have and that they should be patient until the companies start making money to throw them some more crumbs.


Moreover, Minister Jama and his cronies have allegedly resorted to a dangerous campaign of bribery and intimidation to silence their critics who express legitimate concerns about unlawful actions. There are apparently freelance provocateurs who threaten anyone who raise questions about the Fiqi Ayoub fiasco.


The Ministry of Energy and Minerals had done no environmental studies and did not test the poisonous chemicals being used to extract the minerals. The workers have no protection of any kind against potential severe health issues that could arise in the future. No goggles, no masks, and no appropriate clothing for the hazardous work. The Ministry has no personnel in the field to properly manage and supervise the work.

Minister Jama, emboldened by his apparent success in Fiqi Ayoub, reportedly granted mineral and petroleum licenses to select individuals from preferred clans to have ownership of parcels of land in many parts of Somaliland. This dangerous land grab may potentially lead to civil strife, and mini civil wars.


The international community has commended the people of Somaliland and their leadership for establishing peace and security in their country since 1991 in a very unstable and turbulent region. This is a laudable achievement that should be maintained at all costs.


Therefore, President Musa Bihi Abdi should do the following:

1. Immediately shut down the illegal, corrupt and destabilizing operation in Fiqi Ayoub.
2. Rein in the Minister of Energy and Minerals and cancel all the clan-based licenses granted to favored individuals by him and his predecessor.
3. Appoint an impartial commission to do a thorough investigation into the legitimate shareholders in the four companies involved in the jade extraction operation in Fiqi Ayoub.
4. Send home the Chinese technical mercenaries.

The citizens of Somaliland at home and abroad trust that their President will do the right thing in order to preserve the good reputation of the country, its security and stability.


Osman Sultan Ali
Founder of the Horn of Africa Journal
Jooji Hawlaha Macdanta ee sida Sharci Darrada uga Socda Fiqi Ayoub

Inta uu socday ololaha madaxtinimada Somaliland sannadkii 2017, dadka Fiqi Ayoub iyo Ceel Baxay ee ka soo jeeda gobolada Togdhare iyo Sahel, waxay si xushmad leh iyo xad dhaaf ah, codkooda u siiyeen Muse Bihi Abdi, kaasoo loo doortay in uu noqdo madax weyne.

Nasiib darro, Madax Weynahu wuxuu taageereyaashiisa niyadda u haaya ku abaal mariyay in uu Wasiirkiisa Tamarta iyo Macdanta, Mr. Jama Maxamuud Cigaal, u fasaxo in uu khayraadka dabiiciga deegaanka ka iibiyo koox aan damiir lahayn oo hunguri doon ah oo ka kooban maalgeliyeyaal shisheeye iyo kuwa ka soo jeeda waddanka, kuwaasoo aasaasay shirkado been abuur ah ay ugu talogaleen in ay ka maaleystaan. Waxay qorteen farsamo yaqaano calooshood u shaqeysteyaal Shiino, iyaga mattala, oo u soo saara macdanta (jilicsan) iyagoo aan magdhaw siinin dadka Somaliland iyo dadka daggan deegaanka, kuwaasoo ah milkiileyaasha xaqa u leh dhulka.

Warar leysku halleyn karo ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka Tamarta iyo Macdanta, in si aan la manceyn karin oo lala yaabo, uu hawlwadeenadaan ku shaqeysto ugaarsiga iyo mugdiga siiyay 92% milkiyadda khayraadka dabiiciga dagmada. Dawladda waxay leedahay baaqiga u soo hara ee 8%. Bixintaan duuduubka ee sharci darrada ah ee laga xanaaqo oo loo geystay macdanta waddanka waa wax aan la fahmi karin.

Hase ahatee, sidee ayuu Wasiirka Jama iyo kuwa isaga raacsan u fullin karaan falalkaan sharci darrada ah una khiyaani karaan barlamaanka, aqalka odayada, meediyaha qaranka iyo dadweynaha kuna baxsan karaan? Maxay tahay sababta aysan u jirin warbaahin aan ka baqin in ay la xisaabtanto kuwa sheegta awoodda? Warbaahinta waxba kama sheegin arrintaan mana sameynin baaritaan, nooc kasta ha ahaato.

Dhawaanahaan, bacdamaa Baarlamaanka uu diiday sharciyada u dagsan Tamarta iyo Macdanta, maxay tahay aasaaska sharciga ay dawladda u adeegsatay ogolaashada xattooyada macdanta dagmada Fiqi Ayoub iyo meelaha kale? Sidoo kale, maxay yahiin sharciyada u ogolaan kara Wasiirada Difaaca iyo Tamarta & Macdanta in ay ka qeybgalaan shirqool ciidan lagu geeyo halkaas si loo badbaadiyo danaha shabakada xumeyaasha ka soo horjeedo dadka nabadda jecel ee ka soo jeeda dagmada?

Somaliland waa bulsho ku dhisan qabiil; qaranka kama jiraan axzaab siyaasi, marka laga reebo kuwa sheegta dimoqraatiyada. Baddal ahaan, marka sida toosan loo hadlo, waxaa jira axzaab ku dhisan qabiil oo ka shaqeeya dannaha ay leeyahiin qabiilada ay mattalaan. Marka la fiiriyo dhamaan ujeedooyinka laga leeyahay, dastuurka waa warqad aan qiimo lahayn bacdamaa dawladda iyo axzaabta aysan dan ka lahayn. Xeerarka iyo sharciyada rasmiga kama qiimo badna warqadda lagu qoray maxaa yeelay lama xushmeeyo mana la hirgelliyo marka laga reebo marka loona adeegsado muwaadiinta nabadda jecel ee cabbasho ka soo jeediya xaq darrada ka soo horjeedo danahooda.

Tusaale ahaan, saraakiisha Waddani iyo Ucid waxba kama sheegin fashalka ka socdo Fiqi Ayoub. Inta badan kuwa fulliya xaq darrada iyo dhibaneyaashooda waxay ka tirsan yahiin isla qabiil, sidaas darteed, waxay arrinta u arkaan sida, “inkaar ku dhacday labada guri.”

Intaas kaddib warbaahinta qaranka iskuma dayyin in ay xogogaal ka dhigto muwaadiniinta iyo in ay baahiso sharci darrada iyo musuqa ka jira hawlaha ka socda Fiqi Ayoub.

Kuma dhisna xikmad mana aha caqli gal in la aamino in dawladda Bihi u ogolaato tuugo shisheeye iyo kuwa ka soo jeeda waddanka in ay xaabasadaan boqolaal malyuun doolar, in ay sabab u noqdaan burburka balaaran ee loo geysto caafimaadka dadka deegaanka iyo xoolahooda, in buuraha qurxoon ee nadiifka ah ee ku yaal deegaanka loo baddalo lama daggaan.

Marka, maxaa dan ah aa iyaga ugu jira? Hagaag, wararka leysla dhexmaro waxay sheegeyaan in qaar ka mid ah wasiirada iyo dad kale oo ku sugan gudaha iyo dibadda dawladda laga yaabo in ay qorshahaan la abuureen maalgeliyeyaasha si ay u wadaagaan 92% milkiyadda macdanta (jilicsan). Sida la soo sheegay, saraakiisha sarsare ee ku jira dawladda waa dad qeyb ku leh afarta shirkad ee iminka ku hawlan soo saarka macdanta. Tan waxaa lagu magacaabaa danno isqilaafsan, marka la soo qaado waddamada ay ku jiraan sharciyo la hirgelin karo kana soo horjeedo saraakiisha dawladda ee ku shaqeysta khiyaanada dadweynaha, naftooda u daneeya, iyo musuqa.

Waxay ahaataba, inta ay socotay waanwaanta dhexmartay wakiilada dawladda iyo duqeyda deegaanka ee ku saabsaneyd mashruuca macdanta, dadka waxay soo dhaweyeen Wasiir Jama, wasiiro kale iyo mas’uuliinta soo booqatay Fiqi Ayoub dhowr jeer. Wuxuu ballan qaaday in dawladda iyo shirkadaha ay Fiqi Ayoub, Ceel Baxay, iwm. ka hirgelin doonaan mashaariicda horumarinta sida waxbarashada, caafimaadka iyo adeegyada bulshada, korantada, ceelasha biyaha nadiifka iyo shaqooyin la siiyo dadka dhawaanahaan lumiyay xoolahooda abaarahii darnaa iyo in ay ku hawlan yahiin raadinta siyaabo kale oo lagu dhiso nolosha.

Hase ahatee, Wasiirka Jama wuxuu inkiray dhamaan ballamadii uu qaaday, taasoo ahaatay mid uu ku talogalay, been iyo ballanqaadyo aan jirin. Sida aflagaado lagu darray dhaawac, wuxuu si caddaan ah u sheegay dadka deegaanka in ay ka mahad celiyaan shaqooyinka hoose ay haystaan iyo in ay sabar yeeshaan ilaa shirkadaha ka bilaabaan in ay sameyaan lacag si loogu soo tuuro xoogga jajab dheeraad ah.

Intaas kaddib, sida la soo sheegay, Wasiirka Jama iyo asxaabtiisa waxay ku dhaqaaqeen olole halis ah oo ku dhisan laaluush iyo cabsi gelin si ay u aamusiyaan kuw iyaga naqdiya kuwaasoo soo jeediya arrimo xaq ah oo ku saabsan falalka sharci darrada ah. Sida muuqata, waxaa iminka jira kuwo iskooda u shaqeysto oo ku hawlan daandaansi iyo cabsi gelinta qof kasta oo soo jeediya su’aalo ku saabsan fashalka Fiqi Ayoub.

Wasiirka Tamarta iyo Macdanta ma samaynin daraasaad ku saabsan deeggaanka mana baarin kiimikada sunta ee loo adeegsado soo saarka macdanta. Shaqaalaha ma haystaan wax ka badbaadiya, nooc kasta, arrimaha caafimaadka u darran ee suurtogalka ah soona bixi kara mustaqbalka. Ma haystaan muraayadaha la gashto indhaha, ma haystaan daboolka wijiga, ma haystaan labbis ku habboon shaqada halista. Ma jiro shaqaale ka socdo Wasaaradda oo ku sugan goobta oo sida habboon u maamula una kormeera shaqada.

Sida la soo sheegay, Wasiir Jama, kaddib marka uu dhiiranaan ka helay guusha muuqata uu ka gaaray Fiqi Ayoub, wuxuu shattiyada macdanta iyo batroolka siiyay shakhsiyaad la soo xullay oo ka soo jeeda qabiilo la jecel yahay in ay la wareegaan milkiyadda dhulal ka mid ah qeybo badan oo ka tirsan Somaliland. Sida suurtogalka ah, boobkaan lagu haayo dhulka wuxuu u horseedi karaa qalalaaso madani ah, iyo dagaalo sokeeye oo yaryar.

Bulshada caalamka waxay ammaan u soo jeedisay dadka Somaliland iyo hoggaamiyeyaashooda nabadda iyo xasiloonan ay ka dhalliyeen waddankooda laga bilaabo 1991, kuna yaal gobol xassiloonida aad ugu yar tahay oo qalalaaso badan. Tani waa hawl mudan in la ammaano oo loo baahan yahay in la sii wado, kharash kasta ha ku baxo.

Sidaas darteed, Madax Weyne Musa Bihi Abdi waa in uu fulliyo qodobada soo socda:

1. Waa in uu degdeg u joojiyo hawlaha sharci darrada, musuqa iyo xassilooni darrada ka socoto Fiqi Ayoub.
2. Waa in uu kor kaga yimaado Wasiirka Tamarta iyo Macdanta, waa in uu joojiyo dhamaan shattiyada lagu bixiyo qabiilka ee la siiyo shakhsiyaadka ay soo dhaweystaan isaga iyo kii ka horeyay.
3. Waa in uu magacaabo guddi dhexdhexaad ah oo baaritaan tafatiran ku sameeyo kuwa sida sharciga waafaqsan qeybta ku leh afarta shirkad ee ku lugta leh hawlaha soo saarka ee ka socda Fiqi Ayoub.
4. Waa in uu guryahooda u diro calooshood u shaqeysteyaasha farsameyaqaanada Shiinaha.

Muwaadiniinta Somaliland ee waddanka ku sugan iyo dibadda ka ah waxay ku kalsoon yahiin in Madax Weynahoodu uu samayn doono wixii toosan si loo badbaadiyo sumcadda wanaagsan uu waddanku leeyahay, si loo ilaaliyo nabada iyo xassiloonida.

Cismaan Suldaan Cali
Aasaasaha Wargeyska Geeska Afrika (Horn of Africa Journal)
Tarjamada laga sameyay Ingiriisiga waxaa sameyay Access 2 Interpreters, LLC.
Columbus, OH 43215


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