Somaliland ministry of finance development vision is based putting the right employees with right skills and the required knowledge to the right job as this is the beginning of any achievement
Somaliland ministry of finance development has made an inspiring changes and sustainable changes as both of these calls for innovation and innovation leads sustainable achievement. High performing employees being the engine to run successful business, Somaliland ministry of finance development has made an effective sustainable reforms to reflect high performing employees. Appointing new position in any form of organization involves both challenges and opportunities. The ministry of finance development made massive changes and reforms for a number of key positions in the ministry that end result visible improvement in every field of the ministry that generated an increase of government revenue. The ministry has implemented a wide range of reforms in the ministry by appointing a number of professionals in various department of the ministry. The recent changes and reforms the ministry has taken involve promoting a number of ministry employees based on their competencies and as well their professional skills. Promoting employees on competitive basis involves employees proving their worth in comparison to other employees as this method focuses mostly on performance, productivity, skills, experience, knowledge, and other similar factors. Promoting employees on performance basis provides incentive to initiative, creativity, and ambition and develop competitive spirit among employees for acquiring knowledge and skills for higher level jobs. This also boosts the morale of the employees and increase their productivity.
Promoting employees on performances is human investment and rewards to high performing employees as this presents our guidelines for advancing and promoting employees from within the ministry. Promoting employees on competitive basis is the one major policy guidelines of the ministry of finance development. High performing employees are often capable of doing more than they are initially tasked. As the function of human blood vessels is to transport and inject blood around the human body, likewise, Somaliland ministry of finance development has pumped capital to every Somaliland ministry and independent agencies promptly to function resourcefully effectively in line with its objectives. The ministry has developed shared vision through empowering all employees to create a common single image of the future for the ministry.
These reforms led output success in every sector of the ministry and generated better economic performance and increase of revenue without an increase any tax on commodities. Every new day is different from the previous day and there is nothing permanent in life except change. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore, Andre Gide. Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes, Johann Wolfgang. It is worth to recognize the exciting cooperation existing the minister, Saad Ali Shire, the deputy minister, Abdulqadir Sheikh Mohamoud and Director general Mohamed Abdi Gurhan which is a catalyst and fuel that energies the ministry employees. This cooperation have developed team work spirit relationship as great teams work together to accomplish great results. Working in team spirit raises the enthusiasm for the whole team to bring out more ideas and foster both individual and team knowledge. Working in team spirit end results utilizing everybody’s strengths and areas of expertise and distributes workloads and responsibility to all. It also produces better end results. The reforms has encouraged innovation and improved the quality of public taxation system m in Somaliland. The changes and reforms seem key improving Somaliland economy.
These reforms have injected ffresh energy to the efficiency of the ministry. The beginning is the most important part of the work, Plato. Each day is a new beginning. Every single day is an opportunity for you to start anew. A fresh start new day, new month and New Year. Every day we have an opportunity to make ourselves into whatever we want to be. Each day is a new day new opportunity. The past cannot be changed, but we can navigate our future. The reforms imply changes to the way the ministry works and have improved the quality of public services as these reforms have heavily improved the efficiency of the ministry. These reforms have turn out concrete positive results that increased the professionalism in every sector of the ministry and generated team spirit among members of ministry employees. These comprehensive reforms have generated new spirit to daily activity of the ministry.
Taken into account, the success the reforms have generated, the same has boosted the performance for each and every department of the ministry as these reforms have seen as a key ingredient to improve the productivity of the ministry. Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream. Debby Boone. These reforms work to deal with obstacles that lower the productivity in the past. Reforms mean to correct what was gone wrong earlier. It means to improve the system. The reforms are in line with directives of Somaliland president, Muse Bihi and Somaliland vision 2030. The reforms designed to ensure the economy growth. The most important single ingredient in the formula of success knows how to get along with people. Nothing can stop the man with the right idea achieving his goal. The ministry has combined hard work plus smart work which end result efficient work. These combinations have produced an output success. Success results from work realizing ambition. The ministry provides elevated quality and responsive service to all government ministries and associated agencies in view of an efficient and effective manner that sourced smooth operation for various government ministries.
. The ministry has developed effective work performances new skills that increased Somaliland resources and developed interpersonal skills which are extremely important in workplaces as working to improve your skill will help you gain momentum and succeeds with your career development. Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. As today’s challenging business environment requires a high-performance, the ministry reached a new era that translates the directives of Somaliland president, Muse Bihi Abdi. Performing the role of finance is valued partner in strategic decisions as well as a potential source of efficiency, cost savings, and profitable growth. Ministry of finance development relentless pursue of ways to make the business operate more efficiently and effectively. Being successful requires that you see the big picture as a picture is a poem without words. Zooming up, the ministry has designed in advance an efficient works attributes that end result landmark achievement as everything is possible to be accomplished by willing hearts. The ministry made into reality the slogan, believes it, reform it, do it and act it. An Action is publication of thought and more effective than words
Ismail lugweyne