Somaliland will never reconcile with Somalia By: Ali Abdi Hersi
The people of Somalila are from different backgrounds and races, certainly originating from Arabs, Jewish, Persians and original Somalis. Therefore, Somalia is an unusual Muslim multicultural country, where different people live with different languages. Somalia consists of different races, like the Bantus, Rahanweyns, Baranes, the Banadries, the Digls, the Mirifls, the Arabs, the Arab Ashrafs, the Eritreans, May-May, and each have their own language and culture.
These people inherited a fascist style of political thinking from their oppression during the Italian colonization of Somalia. The people of that country suffered a lot under the rule at the time of the Italian fascists, destroying their country and culture. The people of Somalia have adopted this undesirable, uncurable mafia-style way of governing their country that even lasts today.
As a result, Somalia today, consists of people who show dishonest characteristics in their administration style, showing no integrity in terms of holding agreements or contracts. They even have disputes within themselves in the government, where each member is looking out for their own interests and not for the people of the country.
An honest citizen of Somalia could not possibly work within the government, as history shows that normally this type of person would be sabotaged by besmirching their reputation or even removed from the position by murder, with the latest murder being of the late Governor of Mogadishu.
There is a huge amount of international support currently now in Somalia, huge amount of aid enters Somalia, yet this money is not being placed where it is needed, but in the pockets of those in power, the government is rife with corruption. Al Shabab have spies within the Somali government, to which nothing is being done. The Somali international representatives are telling lies to the world, and have been protecting themselves in a web of corruption for years, killing anyone that is close to exposing them or close to removing these corrupt people currently in powerful positions.
Somalia have created different autonomies of power, such as Puntland, Jubbaland,
Shebele-land, Southern Somalia Baydhabo-land etc. All these Somalia regions consistently conflict with one another, and there are no good diplomatic relations in the federal government in Mogadishu, with one group constantly sabotaging another. There is no cohesion within these autonomies, no communication between intellectuals, and a lot of killing is happening between these regions of Somalia.
Finally, these autonomies seem like they will never unite and even whilst Somalia is in this dire state and in deep need of reflection of their own policies and leaders, still have the audacity to keep both their eyes on the successful progress of their neighbours, the independent Republic of Somaliland.
Somaliland has been independent since 1991, after fighting in a long and devastating war with their neighbours Somalia. Finally, after a long struggle, the real Somaliland people, were restored to their homeland state, independence, and freedom. Somaliland (ex-British Somaliland), in the past 28 years have grown successfully apart from Somalia, have inherited a healthy system from the British colonial period. The citizens of Somaliland have successfully democratically elected all their Presidents, and government since becoming independent. Somaliland consists of a land of one race, one Somaliland people, one Somaliland country, and one Somaliland nationality, and one destiny. It is a completely Muslim country, following Sharia Law, and never falsifies any parts of Islam, this demonstrates the honesty and values of Somaliland.
Somalia and Somaliland will never ever unite again, because of the huge differences between us, our nature, our culture, and our race. Reconciliation will never be an option and will never happen.
Somaliland needs its own map to be politically and international recognised. This is an appeal to the United Nations, and the other world political organisations, how can Somaliland be finally free from the jealousy and disease of corruption and terrorism, of their neighbours Somalia, if we are continually looked upon by the world as one unit? We are not one nation, we are not Somalia, we have our own independent Republic of Somaliland, we are a huge success and should be an example of how a country can rebuild from ruins after war.
I call the world, and the international community to recognise the differences between Somaliland and Somalia as it is mentioned above. So, I advise, the world, to close the door of reconciliation.
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By: Ali Abdi Hersi