Somaliland: Case Against Reporter Coldoon Concludes, Verdict Awaited

The Marodi Jeh regional court has concluded the trail phase of the case against reporter Abdimalik Coldoon. The trail which had lasted for over a week will now be referred to the bench for the verdict.
Journalist Abdimalik Caldoon is accused of libel, slander and sedition by the administration of President Muse Bihi Abdi.
Previously, the former Justice of the Marodi Jeh regional court had refused to hear the case, since the journalist was accused and arrested in a different jurisdiction. 
However, that particular judge was summarily replaced and transferred to the Appeals court and his replacement gave the go ahead for the trail to take place in Marodi Jeh.
According to reliable sources, the lawyers for journalist Abdimalik Coldoon are not too optimistic of a just verdict from the bench and plan to appeal if their client is, as expected, is convicted of the charges.


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