Heego oo xoriyatul qawlka la dagaalamysa …..Muxuu yidhi Jaalle Mo Hassan

Nin akhyaar ah oo magaciisa kusoo gaabiyey Mo Hassan  una egtahay in la yidhaah Maxamed Xasan oo  fartii Heego qorayaa ayaa wuxuu isoo diray email  ana email ayaan u diray labada email halkan ayaan kusoo qori donaa. Email-kii kuma ekaan ee Oodweynenews website ayuu yimi isagoo niicdaa haya oo bariiskii  canshuurta DANYARTU labada qawlal ka da’ayo hada inkaari kugu dhici wayday sida uu flimka ku jilayo Jaalle Mo Hassan waa qurba joogta  drop out ka ahayd ee hab qabiilaysan ugu soo shaqo tagtay canshuurta  DANYARTA Somaliland cidii tidhaah WAAR WIXII LAWADA LAHAA MEE  Waxay ugu jawabaan Garxajis Somaliwayn labada Professor  Galaydh iyo Samatar Faqash la saamaxay Habar Jeclo Hargeysa yaanay naga baran marka kan yari qoladaa suuxda ayuu ka mid yahay sheekadiisu waa afka qabo hada Heego waa ninmakii  Madaxweyne AL- Xaaji  Axmed  xafaayada u xidhay ee Marwo Huda Barkhad xaaskii Jaalle Madaxweyne Riyaale nasaheeda ka xishoon waayey ayaa leh iminka cumradii ayaanu tagnay shaqo qarantan waxay uga gubteen lacag bay ku raadinayaan waar xataa maqaalkii aan qoray been buu ka sheegay .

Waa kan Emailkii uu iisoo diray :

” Jooqle you are not a normal human being, where I deeply look and read your hateful and jeolous articles, I only realise and the psychological symptoms of depression :

hopelessness, low mood or sadness, feeling helpless, low self-esteem, guilt-ridden, feeling irritable and intolerant, having no motivation or interest in things rather than being jeolous.

Nobody can defeat us, even Siad Barre’s artillery, mig 21, BM, Tanks, failed to destroy our will, rather than a lunatic man who is green with envy.

Every time you post an hateful article, I circulate to the our hard core and die hard supporters to know how our enemies behaving, one day you will be named and shamed in a public arena. Its all propaganda and lies. If you have moral superiority you should be protested about Ethiopian African map circulating in social media, that they wiped out Somalia, you don’t care, you are only after Somaliland the most peaceful and successful Somali people.

Habarta odayga wax loo saar, ku dhimo xaasidnimadaada, ku dhimo beentaada, u dhimo cadhadaada, u dhimo ciilkaaga. Wanaaga iyo horumarka ayaad ka xajiimoota, xariirta iyo gobta ayaad necebtahay, wallaahi inaanad ka soo jeedin guri ficar  wacal baad tahay, xaaraan lagu soo koriyey iyo guri qudhmay, if you see a depressed and sad adult person, it means he/she grew a sad and abuse house .”

Waa kan Emailkii aan u diray :


” Dear Heego,

Have a break have a kitkat just read this article maybe you will feel fine. It’s Ramadaan don’t curse or hate people who are stating Alhaq. Always remember I never gave anybody hell! I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.


Ex- SNM warrior

Current Garhajis warrior

MEMO – 2019


Never before have we grabbed a word like catastrophic to make a political point. It’s like pulling a fire alarm; if you do it, there had better be a fire. There is a fire and it’s raging within our Somaliland. We are convinced that if Warlord Muse Bihi Abdi doesn’t change his course, the harm done to our country would be nothing short of catastrophic.

We reject Bigoted colonel Muse Bihi Abdi as our President based on his judgment, temperament and character, all of which point to a reckless, embarrassing and ultimately dangerous presidency.”


Ahmed Jigga


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