Madaxa Barnaamijka Baadigoob Oo Qoraal Ka Soo Saaray, Eedihii Madaxa Goobjoogayaashii Doorashadii Madaxtooyada Somaliland Michael Walls U Jeediyey Barnaamijka Baadi-goob. (English/ Somali)
BAADI¬-GOOB Date: 27/7/2018
(Baadi Goob works had on revealing the truth —-)
Baadi-goob is an independent investigative journalist outlet, our aim is to create an environment of zero corruption society.
We dedicate our service to the puplic to raise awareness and inform society many issues that are purposely hidden from them, Baadi Goob works had on revealing the truth.
Baadigoob had investigated the outcome of the recent presidential election in Somaliland that had taken place on Nov 2017.
We discovered that the election was institutionally and systematically rigged, our investigation have brought to light the role of International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) led by Micheal Walls had played in the systemic way that the election was stolen, we produced evidence that the IEOM mission had undermined the electoral integrity of Somaliland as well the international standard protocols.
The investigation uncovers that the chief of IEOM Dr Walls had vested interest in some institutions that have a deep connection to the ruling party.
Dr Walls is a founding member of Hargaisa Cultural Center (HCC) and Hargaisa International Book Fair (HIBF) led by Ayan Ashour currently head Somaliland mission in UK and the Commonwealth.
Baadigoob findings suggested that the selection process of the international observers was influence by the Kulmiye government.
The selection of the polling stations visited were preselected, and subsequently the report produced was flawed and inaccurate.
Baadigoob brought up concrete evidences that caught Dr Walls and his team red handed.
Dr Walls refutation on the investigation carry out by Baadi Goob failed to answer the central question of the investigation. Instead, he carried on blaming on recent clan conference in Gacanlibaax.
This had created public outcry in twitter.
N/B: Baadigoob investigation documentary was aired before Gacanlibaax clan conference took place. Baadigoob did similar investigations including the Fibre Optic investigation to challenge the power, politics and it’s narratives. There wasn’t substantial basis for Walls refute to link the investigation to a clan conference.
Truth cannot be hidden.
Baadi-goob producer
Abdirisaq Terra …
Baadi-goob waa Barnaamij Baadhis ah , Ujeedadayaduna waa in bulshada iyo deegaankaba Musuqmaasuqo ka cidhib-beelo.
Baadigoob waa barnaamij baadha oo daaha ka qaada runta in badani rabto in la qariyo. Baadigoob waxay baadhay siddii xeeladaysnayd ee loo musuqay doorashadii madaxwaynenimada Somaliland ee 2017kii.
Barnaamijka dabagalku wuxuu ifiyey kaalinta ay ku lahaayeen kormeerayaasha caalamka ee Micheal Walls hoggaamiyo iyo doorkii ay ka qaateen dhaawicii kalsoonida doorashada.
Baadhitaanku wuxuu daaha ka qaaday in Walls uu wax ka aasaasay xarunta dhaqanka ee Hargaisa iyo bandhiga buugaagta caalamiga ah ee Hargaisa taas oo ay hogaamiso Ayaan Cashuur oo ah masuulka Somaliland u qaabilsan UK iyo wadamada barwaaqo sooranka.
Baadigoob wuxuu ogaaday in xulashada kormeerayaasha la xushay inay u xagliyeen dhinaca Xisbi xaakimka, goobaha la kormeerayo si gaara loo xushay, warbixintooduna ahayd mid runta ka fog oo madmadow badan.
Baadigoob wuxuu soo bandhigay cadaymo cad cad oo loo hayo Walls.
Si uu isaga fogeeyo baadhitaanka, Walls wuxuu ku guuldaraystay inuu ka jawaabo su’aashii dhexroorka u ahayd baadhitaanka.
Taas bedelkeeda wuxuu canaan kula dul dhacay shir beeleed ka dhacay Gacanlibaax. Tan ayaa ka cadhaysiiyey dad badan oo tiwiitarka uga falceliyey Micheal Walls.
F/G: Baadigoob baadhitaankiisa waxa la sii daayey ka hor shir beeleedka ka dhacay Gacanlibaax. Siddoo kale baadhitaankaasi ma ahayn kii u horeeyey ee bahda Baadigoob aanu samayno balse waxaanu horeba u samaynay baadhitaano kale sidda: kii Fibre Optic-ga iyo kuwo kale. Ma jirto sabab loogu xidhiidhiyo barnaamijkan shirkii Gacanlibaax.
Runtu ma qarsoomayso.
Madaxa Barnaamijka Baadigoob
Abdirisaq Terra …