Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka JSL Oo Ku Baaqay In Lasii Daayo Laba Suxufi , Dad Mudaharaad Loogu Xidhay G Sool iyo In Xayiraadda Laga Qaado Laba Telefiishan
waxa lagu xidhay magaaladda Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool 57 qof oo ka qayb qaatay mudaharaad. Taliyaha Booliiska ee gobolka, Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Faarax, oo shir jaraa’id qabtay wuxuu sheegay inay ahaayeen ciyaal iyo dumar la soo marin habaabiyay oo dhagxaan tuurayay islamarkaan qas sameyey. Wuxuu xaqiijiyay in 75 qof la xidhay.
Masuuliyiinta gobolku waxaay ku sheegeen mudaharaadka mid aan sharci ahayn oo lagu khalkhal gelinayo amaanka.
Dhinaca kale laba suxufi ayaa lagu xidhay magaalada Laascaanood. Cabdiraxmaan Kayse Maxamed oo ka tirsan Bulsho TV waxa la xidhay 27 kii May. Maxamed Axmed Jaamac oo ka tirsan telefiishanka SBS waxa la xidhay 28 May. Cabdiraxmaan waxa lagu haystaa war uu ka soo diray Laascaanood. Warkaas oo ay dawladu u aragto inuu yahay mid lagu khalkhal gelinayo amaanka. Ma cadda sababta loo xidhay Maxamed waxa se la xidhay isla maalintii uu mudaharaadku ka dhacay Laascaanood.
29kii May 2018 Wasaaradda Warfaafintu waxaay soo saartay qoraal ay ku “mamnuucday inay ka hawlgalaan [Somaliland] laba Telefishan oo kala ah SBS iyo SOMNews.” Wasaaraddu waxaa amar ku siisay Booliiska “in la xidho dhammaan laamaha iyo xafiisyada SBS & SOMNEWS TV ee dhammaan gobollada dalka.” Qoraalka Wasaaraddu wuxuu sheegay in telefiishanadu “ay ku kaceen falal olole siyaasadeed iyo dagaal borobagaande cad oo ay ku hayaan qaranka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.”
Maamulka mid ka mid ah telefiishanada la xayiray oo aan la hadalay wuxuu sheegay inay go’aanka ka maqleen uun warbaahinta oo aan hore wasaaraddu ula soo socodsiin cabasho laga qabo islamarkaana aan loo sheegin talaabooyin laga qaadayo.
23kii May gudi ka tirsan golayaasha qaranka oo uu hogaaminayo Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiiladu waxaay soo saareen go’aan ay ku mamnuucayaan shirarka jaraa’di iyo shirarka aan ogolaanshaha haysan in lagu qabto gobolka Sool.
15kii iyo 24kii May waxa isku dhacay ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa maamul goboleedka Somalia ee Puntland.
Dastuurka Somaliland wuxuu damaanad qaadayaa xorriyadda banaan baxa iyo warbaahinta. Qodobka 32(2) ee dastuurka Somaliland wuxuu sheegayaa “muwaadin kasta wuxuu xor u yahay inuu abaabulo kana qayb qaato, kulan ama bannaan-bax nabadeed oo xeerka waafaqsan.”
Sidoo kale farqadda 3aad ee qodobka 32aad ee dastuurku wuxuu dhigayaa in “saxaafadda iyo warbaahinta kale waxay ka mid yihiin xorriyaadka asaasiga ah ee ra’yi- dhiibashada, waxayna leeyihiin madax-bannaanidooda; way reebban tahay tallaabo kasta oo lagu cabudhinayo; hawshoodana xeer baa nidaaminaya.”
Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay ka codsanaysaa dawladda Somaliland:
1. Inay sii dayso labada suxufi ee xidhan ee kala ah Cabdiraxmaan Kayse Maxamed iyo Maxamed Axmed Jaamac;
2. Inay xayiraadda ka qaado telefiishanada SBS iyo SOMnews ayna wixii cabasho ee jira u marto hanaan sharci;
3. Inay sii dayso dadkii lagu qab qabtay mudaharaadkii ka dhacay Laascaanood 28 kii May; iyo
4. Inay ka noqoto go’aanka lagu mamnuucayo in shirar jaraa’id iyo shirar aam ogolaansho haysan lagu qabto Sool.
Guleid Ahmed Jama
Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka
Hargeysa Somaliland
Email: hrcsomaliland@gmail.com
Twitter: @GuleidJ
On 28th May 2018 protesters were arrested in Laasanood, the administrative capital of Sool region. The Police Commissioner of the region, Abdirisak Mohamed Faarah, said in a press conference “misled children and women made a stone throwing and disturbance in the city.” He confirmed that 57 protestors were arrested.
The regional authorities called the protest illegal and destabilizing the security.
Two journalists have been as well arrested in Lasaanood. Abdirahman Kayse Mohamed, a Bulsho TV reporter, was arrested on 27th May and Mohamed Ahmed Jama, a reporter for SBS TV, was arrested on 28th May. Abdirahman was arrested for news report he sent from Lasanood. The news report is seen by the government as false and destabilizing. It is not clear the reason Mohamed was arrested, but he has been arrested the date the protest has taken place in Laasaanood.
On 29th May the Ministry of Information issued a statement stating that it has banned two television channels, SBS and SOMNEWS, from operating in Somaliland. The Ministry ordered the Police to shut down their offices in Somaliland. The statement said the two televisions “committed acts of political campaigns and clear propaganda war against the Republic of Somaliland.”
The management of one of the televisions who spoke to HRC said they learnt the decision from the media and were not informed of any complaint or pending procedure taken against them.
On 23rd May, a committee chaired by the speaker of the Lower House of the Parliament who is leading a delegation of Somaliland in Laasaanood issued a decision banning unauthorized press conferences and meetings to be held in Sool.
On 15th and 24th May clashed between Somaliland and Puntland State of Somalia happened in Sool region.
The Constitution of Somaliland guarantees the freedom of public demonstrations and freedom of media. Article 32(2) of the Constitution says “every citizen shall have the freedom, in accordance with the law, to organise or participate in any peaceful assembly or demonstration.”
Paragraph 3 of the article further states that “the press and other media are part of the fundamental freedoms of expression and are independent. All acts to subjugate them are prohibited, and a law shall determine their regulation.”
Human Rights Centre requests the government of Somaliland to:
1. Release the detained journalists; Abdirahman Kayse Mohamed and Mohamed Ahmed Jama;
2. Lift the ban from SBS and SOMnews TV and to follow the due process of law in handling any complaints related to these televisions;
3. Release the people detained during the protest that happened in Laasanood on 28th May; and
4. Withdraw the decision banning unauthorized press conferences and meetings to be held in Sool.
Guleid Ahmed Jama
Chairperson of Human Rights Centre
Email: hrcsomaliland@gmail.com
Twitter: @GuleidJ